Design Sprint 2021 – Design challenge competition for students 

Design Sprint 2021 – Blockupy is a service design challenge competition related to urban spaces and development. The event was an intensive two-day workshop from briefing to judging during the Lahti Green Design Week in May. 

This year’s design challenge was related to the utilization of empty commercial spaces and was provided by the Lahti – European Green Capital 2021 -project. The competition was facilitated by Sitowise, the smart city company.

Blockupy is a service design challenge competition related to urban spaces and development.

The competition was open for students in various design related fields. We encouraged multidisciplinary teams (i.e. design, business, architecture, landscape architecture, mobility, technology). Team size was limited to maximum four students each and six teams in total participated in the competition. The participating teams were selected based on applications delivered by April 18th 2021. The competition was arranged virtually by Teams application.

design sprint voittajatiimi quatre

Alku District concept wins Sitowise Design Sprint 2021 (news in Finnish)

We congratulate the winners and warmly thank all the teams taking part in our service design challenge competition!

The winning concept "Alku District" was created by a team of four students: Essi Salminen and Joanna Hamberg from LAB University of Applied Sciences, and Emma Eini and Rebekka Anttila from Aalto University.

The teams' concepts for utilization of empty commercial spaces

After an intensive two-day workshop during the Lahti Green Design Week in May 2021, the student teams handed in innovative concepts to tackle the given challenge.

Please note that the materials are available in Finnish only.

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Design Sprint 2021 logorivi
Design sprint kivijalka