The CEO is responsible for the supervision and control of the company’s day-to-day operations in accordance with the Finnish Companies Act and authorisations and guidelines issued by the Board of Directors. The management team supports the CEO in the daily management of the company’s operations. On this page, you can find the presentations of the members of the management team.
Up to date information on Management Team members and their related parties' shareholdings in Sitowise Group Plc and trading with Sitowise shares is available here.
Heikki Haasmaa
Master’s degree in Engineering
YOB 1978
CEO since 2022
Shareholdings: 70,000 shares

Work history
Mr. Haasmaa has a long career in the listed company KONE in various management positions. His latest position at KONE was the Senior Vice President of KONE's global Maintenance Business.
Daniel Doeser
Executive Vice President, Sweden
Education: Mechanical Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology
S. 1971
At Sitowise since 1 May 2024
Shareholdings: no holdings

Work history
Doeser has broad experience in growing business both organically and via acquisitions from Ramboll, RSM & Co, Askegren & Co and Ragn-Sells Miljökonsult AB. He joined Sitowise from the position of Nordic Director, in which he was managing Digital Operations and Education business on a Nordic level at Rambolls Environment & Health business area.
Taija Lehtola
Executive Vice President, Human Resources
Master’s degree in Economics and Business Administration
YOB 1973
Management team member since 2022
Shareholdings: 18,000 shares

Work history
Ms. Lehtola joined Sitowise from the position of Chief HR and Responsibility Officer of Digita. She has over 20 years of experience in Human Resources Management from Nokia, KONE and Paroc Group.
Hanna Masala
Executive Vice President, CFO
Master’s degree in Finance
YOB 1976
CFO since 2022
Shareholdings: 20,000 shares

Work history
Before Sitowise, Ms. Masala has worked in several leadership roles in the areas of finance, strategy and M&A. Her latest position was as a Group Finance Director in Fortum Oyj. Before this she has worked in Solidium, Outokumpu and Nordea Corporate Finance.
Jannis Mikkola
Executive Vice President, Infrastructure Solutions
Master’s degree in Engineering
YOB 1973
Management team member since 2018, over 15-year career in a variety of management roles in Sitowise
Shareholdings: 356,740 shares

Work history
Mr. Mikkola has worked in infrastructure sector for more than 20 years, specializing in multidisciplinary urban projects and underground construction.
Timo Räikkönen
Executive Vice President, Buildings
Master of Science in Industrial Management, Master of Science in Economics
YOB 1973
Management team member since 11/2023
Shareholdings: 12,600

Mr. Räikkönen has strong international experience in client-oriented business development and management from Destia, YIT, Ahlstrom and McKinsey & Company. He joins Sitowise from the position of Executive Vice President of Destia's Urban Development and Design Services.
Turo Tinkanen
Executive Vice President, Information Technology
Degree in telecommunications engineering
YOB 1982
Management team member since 2018
Shareholdings: 52,000 shares

Work history
Prior to Sitowise, Mr. Tinkanen ran his own IT consulting firm for 16 years. Through this he has become particularly familiar with the IT environments, challenges and development opportunities in the consulting and design industry, and has extensive experience in systems specific to the construction industry.
Minttu Vilander
Executive Vice President, Sustainability, Brand & Communications
Master of Arts
YOB 1981
Management team member since 2020
Shareholdings: 19,200 shares

Work history
Prior to Sitowise, Ms. Vilander has worked as the communications director of the listed company NRC Group and as the communications manager of Granlund.
Anna Wäck
Executive Vice President, Digital Solutions
Master of Science in Economics & Business Administration
YOB 1988
Management team member since 05/2023
Shareholdings: 7,500 shares

Work history
Ms. Wäck has experience of developing new business and leading strategic growth projects and sales from KONE, Siili Solution and Capgemini Consulting. She joined Sitowise from the position of Head of Global Offering, Pricing and Sales Development in KONE's global maintenance business.