My work is a significant part of my life, which is why it is important for me to be involved in diverse projects and tasks that offer challenges in a field that is meaningful to me. A year ago, my then team was split in two, and I started leading the new LCA & Climate Calculations team. Our department, specializing in environmental impact assessments, has grown significantly, which enabled me to go forward into a supervisor role.

Sitowise’s "CO2 Report" is the longest-running emission calculation service for municipalities and cities in Finland. At the same time, we are continuously developing new solutions. It has been particularly motivating to participate in a project where we developed the new Kulma calculation model. This is Finland's first model that reports greenhouse gas emissions from consumption. For example, we can determine the consumption emission impacts of residents in Espoo, Tampere, or Oulu, from food purchases to home heating and from air travel to summer house trips.

Our department has grown significantly, which enabled me to go forward into a supervisor role.

Emission calculations from drinking bottles to wind power projects

Emission calculations are needed not only by municipalities and cities but also in various other contexts, and among my colleagues, there is expertise in a wide range of areas. For instance, we conduct emission assessments of individual products, from drinking bottles to building components. Emission calculations are also a crucial tool for companies that want to monitor and influence their own emission developments. Climate-friendliness is also a selling point!

During my studies, I focused on environmental ecology, communication, and environmental management. The world of emission calculations opened up to me only through work.

It is great that in major infrastructure projects, emissions are increasingly assessed and aimed to be reduced already in the planning phase. My team has calculated emissions, for example, for the Turku one-hour train project and the Kruunusillat alliance. Emission impacts are also assessed in solar and wind power projects. Their specialty is that the positive impacts of replacing less climate-friendly electricity production methods with renewable electricity production are taken into account in the emission impact assessments.

The importance and societal significance of emission calculations and impact assessments are evident to me in our collaboration with Motiva. We have been involved in developing an impact assessment method to evaluate the effects of political measures related to renewable energy. For instance, the emission reductions produced by renewable energy are considered in these assessments. Such evaluation projects extend even to Finland’s EU reporting.

Sales Work is Enjoyable and Motivating!

Early in my career, I worked in a small company where I got to do practically everything a consultant’s job could involve. From the very beginning, I was also involved in sales work and its development. This has provided valuable experience and confidence in my own skills, as well as good networks with clients. As a group manager, I do a lot of sales work, and it is something I find very enjoyable and motivating.

During my studies, I focused on environmental ecology, communication, and environmental management, and the world of emission calculations opened up to me only through work. I have now been doing emission calculations for almost ten years and have moved into a more supervisory role in projects. There are many career development opportunities at Sitowise. We also have a flexible approach to different working methods. In my team, some work a lot remotely, some come to the office more often, and we also have students working part-time. In a large company, there is flexibility and solutions for various life situations.